September 8th, 2021

March 9, 2022
Written by Marta Holms

Burst of cleaning energy


Currently I am in a super freaky clean mood and loving it! I started with my closet this morning with sifting through papers this afternoon. The best part was I had a big bonfire! I made some notes of to do's for tomorrow. If you have been wanting to do a deep clean this is the best time to do so. What better time than during a pandemic, right? If you are on the same boat as me I have a question? Does anyone shop at the container store?!??? I am so excited about it! It is a brand new love! And did you notice the back order on some small white containers? Lol! I am not the only one on a binge clean during this pandemic! lol! I get my container / Ben's /organizers space at the container store/ Lowes/ target/ tjmaxx.... Honestly anywhere I can get a great deal and containers that I feel fit my style.

Cleaning and health really go hand in hand. Being in a clean environment helps relax and calm a person. It is important for you to find your happiness with what ever that may be.

One thing I have been really pushing on my clients is to have fun! I am saying this because being organized has become a new fun for me. When you enjoy life you're stress level goes down. Whatever brings you happiness pursue that and find healthy ways to enjoy life! That is my tip for this day.

XOXO Amber

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You cannot always control what goes on outside. But you can always control what goes on inside.

— Unknown author

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