August 30th, 2021 ... Continued

March 9, 2022
Written by Marta Holms

Getting back from the long day break and continuing

I guess I am in a writing mood today. Productivity of mine has increased since I uninstalled Instagram and Facebook off of my phone. I uninstalled Instagram for a good month and a half now. Today I opened it up to see if I had any messages…. Cricket…Cricket…. Cricket…. I seriously was just wasting my time watching other people live their lives and nobody reached out to even talk to me! Not saying I'm a very social person but I'm surprised nobody even said hi! I feel like I blend in with the wall sometimes.

Oh AND I am being very open on my posts because I like to laugh at my past and take is a learning experience or as another story in my book. Life is crazy and I enjoy going through life with a smile. SO I am open and am writing and hopefully you get some giggles, maybe learn something new, and/or get motivated on something you enjoy to do again.


Back to my journey. Where have I been? What have I been doing? How did I lose weight? I will break it down:


·      I have been at home 80% of the time

·      I have been getting ideas to increase my income. Bing poor sucks!!!! And yes I went to school let me say when you do not have any direction and a science associate's degree you can't do anything. I'm making my money from a personal training certificate that only took 2 months in training. I may be over qualified....

·      I have also been organizing the heck out of my house. doing a little mommy home touches of decorating. But I'm in a situation that I need to start making an income to be able to decorate the house the way I want it. I can't believe how prices have increased so much. A plant that I want from Target is a hundred something dollars. And as of right now it just doesn't fit in the budget right now. Time to set priorities.

·      I love love love home remodeling / organization / all pretty things. It just makes me so happy to see things all tidy and colors organize like the rainbow. I just love it, so crisp.

·      Then the question how have I been losing weight?

If this is your first time having a child and you have never had to lose so much weight please be patient with yourself, have Grace. If you were at your ideal fitness goal before at some point in you life chances are it will come back easily. Especially if it's right before you had a baby. Be inconsistent with your workouts and tracking your food also make a world of a difference. But if you are the mom that has had many kids and are tired of trying to get fit. Your main focus could just be getting healthy. Or what if you are just in the beginning? Thinking about making a new healthy lifestyle change?

......Hate to say it but you're screwed! There is nothing I know that I can help you. It is too late for you.

… or is it?

 Just Kidding! Here's a SECRET!

The choice to START starts with you. There will always be a place in my heart to encourage a person to meet their fitness goal. It can be hard to do it on your own. especially if you have never had anyone show you the right path and make it personalized for you. No two journeys are the same. This can be fun! Turn off the TV for a week... And your social media... Just unplug! See where your mind goes all the things that you can do. Who knows what you gravitate towards and maybe you'll find a new happiness or hobby. They're pretty much the same thing right? Oh, but honey we can't live without Netflix forever! lol! A little at a time that's how to get things done. It may be just a TV for a weekend break and a social media unplug for 5 days? Whatever you can manage at a time. ( THE POINT IS TO GET YOU MOVING) Just set up something to get you busy so you don't go back into the black hole of electronics. I just went off in another direction let me bring it back.

It's your choice it's your life. If you are not happy then change it! I am in that situation now. I find myself sad for no reason. Like I have the picture perfect life and I am sad. It does not make sense. Maybe I just have the covid blues and I wish I could do more and feel safe with my baby going places. I just don't know ugh. I go through phases of being joyful  and some days I just shut down and get stuck in my own head. Well every day is no freaking rainbow. I sure wish it was though. Health is mind, body, and spirit so when you find yourself in the rabbit hole bring yourself back with starting to recognize what is going on. When you work your mind and workout then you find a good purpose in life and you can welcome harmony. It becomes soothing. still. silent. So be good to yourself and your journey. I am writing more and my story will unfold. We will talk soon. xoxo Amber

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You cannot always control what goes on outside. But you can always control what goes on inside.

— Unknown author

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