June 28 2020

March 9, 2022
Written by Marta Holms

postpartum journaling

       It is Sunday today thank goodness it has been a wonderful weekend so far! Today I want focus on getting back on a schedule. The main things I want to focus on is waking up early, prioritizing a time for work, getting a workout in, make time to clean, make time to create a good dinner, and then have Posey on a sleeping schedule by 7:30pm or 8pm. Last night we did well with starting a bed time routine at 8 pm but I woke up around 7:40 am and I need to wake up around 6:30 –7am to have the productive day I need for my work schedule and be able to take care of Posey in the morning. Having a baby includes a lot of planning ahead. I was just looking some you tube tips on how to wake up earlier. A few things that I will be trying: reflecting on why I want to wake up, set my alarm away from the bed so I have to wake up, stop hitting the snooze button, have a workout planned, make a morning schedule to follow and make my bed right after I wake up. I have been making my bed daily and that has been a new routine for me I can now focus on doing that first thing. I find that when I am ready to make the bed, I have my puppy or husband getting in the way of making my bed. UGH! LOL! I just need to be persistent and get to making the bed sooner at least make my side of the bed. So, I am looking forward to incorporating a few of these things today to have a more productive day. I already had my protein and green breakfast. I am just loving this smoothie. My Vega Max vanilla protein, my Ghost greens, frozen blue berries, frozen bananas, frozen strawberries, and enough water to make it drinkable. Every now and then I add peanut butter. It is just soooo Jummy and I feel ready to take on the day! I love the weekends because it gives us time to have family time. I am going to do that now. Take care and enjoy your day <3 XOXO Amber

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You cannot always control what goes on outside. But you can always control what goes on inside.

— Unknown author

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