June 25 2020

March 9, 2022
Written by Marta Holms

A piece of my day life isn't perfect

Losing weight and staying motivated at home has not been easy. I miss working outside of the house. Talking to people and being up and about. It has been hard having a baby during this time because I want to have the grandparents see our baby girl as long as they wear a mask. With the quarantine and just having a baby I have been trying to keep a positive mindset. When you are happy, you make healthier choices. I feel silly for writing this, but journaling and sharing the raw reality of what I am going through I think will help you and/ or others get though the tough times of weight loss. I did not make it to 140 pounds yet. I have been ranging around 143-147 pounds for the month of June. My pants still do not fit. I am not going to lie it is frustrating. As I type this right now it makes me want to go for a run to get my pants to fit again, lol! If only there was a miracle and in a snap you get what you want. A healthy body and mind take time and work. I had a big mac and fry’s last night and this morning I had a protein shake with strawberries, blue berries, and Ghost greens. This afternoon I had Salmon with lemon on the George Forman. Oh my goodness that is how I love to eat my Salmon! It just falls to pieces and it is so good. Lol! I am sharing this because my life is not perfect, but everything in moderation. It will take me longer to get to where I want to be eating like this, but it is my journey and my cravings. I went for a walk today around 2 blocks and I worked out and made 2 workout videos. So, I am hoping to get to editing those today. It all depends on my husband’s work.

Side note: I have been hating changing my clothes to work out and then shower and then get on with my day because all I want to do is work out later. Then as a mother there is the house work, doing laundry, making the beds, taking care of the baby, and doing all the other chores around the house. Currently my husband is working full time so the least I can do is take care of the housework, right?! Sometimes I must remind myself he already has his day full of working. He does so much and when he helps with the baby it is like a vacation for me! I'm going to change… again and take a run on the treadmill for 10 mins. And then for another 10 mins or so I want to go and do some yard work. A little at a time. Music of the week has been anything Ellie Goulding on Spotify and cleaning at home pop edition again on Spotify. Go out enjoy the day and get moving! 😊

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You cannot always control what goes on outside. But you can always control what goes on inside.

— Unknown author

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