September 10th, 2021

March 9, 2022
Written by Marta Holms

Hello, Hello, Hello! Good morning, good afternoon, or good night to whatever time of day you may be reading this.

This post is about my steps in organizing my mess around me. If you want some tips to do the same this post is for you!

If you haven't read already I have prioritized organizing my life while I am staying at home during this covid pandemic. So I started off with my linen closets. I went to do my bathroom cabinets, I did my pantry, most of my kitchen and today I have been focusing on my bedroom closet. it's quite a project! I'm taking it a little bit at a time cutting my wardrobe into sections and tackling them when I can. I am loving that as I am focusing on getting my body back I am healing my mind and just clearing my life around me. So I'm getting rid of the old clothes, the clothes that have holes the clothes that have paint on them. Every time I put something on I think if I'm not loving it and I want to put it back, I put it in a drawer. That is my give away drawer.  It's just like a weight is literally lifted off your shoulders. I'm loving the process. So honestly this process is taking me over a year to do. It brings me clarity. So I am sharing some steps that I have done so far.

1.   First thing I did was I got rid of the garbage or things that just don't need out of my closet.

2.   The next thing I did was I put all of my maternity clothes and maternity items in one clear container.

3.   Then next I made sure that I got rid of the clothes that have holes and are just worn down.

4.   So people that are gaining and losing weight- obviously having clothes that are too small or too big we will keep. So in this process that's what  I have. Piles of clothes that I fit into and close that I want to fit back into. So with my jeans in particular. I put them in the size that I am in a section and then I put the size that I was and want to fit back into again in another pile. For the most part my tops are pretty much the same size. There was like one or two things that didn't fit for a little bit, but since I've lost weight they now fit. It is great when you can finally fit into the pile that you set aside.

------Start checking-----

5.   Then I went and put my clotheson the same hangers as much as I could I still have to buy more hangersapparently.

6.   every time I would putsomething on like I said I would just put it in a drawer and then if I didn'tgo to that drawer to look for whatever it was I just got rid of it. by donatinggiving away to close family or friends or some of the things I even threw away.Like it came to a point where I didn't want to go to the donating place butlooking at some of the things just constantly weighed me down. My husband justsaid throw it away.And it has been helping.

7.   What did I do next with mycloset? Oh I started to look up the Marie Kondo folding method and how to foldsweatshirts. I took a group of my sweatshirts out and I placed them on my bedand before I fell asleep I made sure I folded them as she does in her method.

8.   The next day, today, I decidedto Take out my workout leggings and then I just went to town on folding them onthe Marie Kondo method. I just absolutely love her, just like adore her! I havehuge respect ❤️

9.   The Same day I actually spentmy day on the phone just talk texting and as I was doing that I was folding. Itreally helps me to just like listen to something or talk to somebody or watchsomething while I am working on the house or doing little projects around thehouse that are just mindless things that are repetition after repetition. So Ieventually took out all of my jeans I took them one stack at a time. Oh my goshlet me just say that the sweatshirts that put together yesterday was just sobeautiful it just really maybe so happy and motivated to do what I just didtoday with the leggings and then the jeans. Like being able to see yourprogress so quickly is like it's a gift to yourself. So I folded them like the Marie’smethod and I put them from darkest to lightest in color.

10.                    So Ifigured out that like the coloring process of how I put my clothes it is:black, blue, green, maroon, red, purple pink, nude, and white. And then withall of these I do the darker colors on the left all the way to the lightercolors on the right. It just looks I don't know it just brings me happiness. Ifthis is something you want to try it out do it and let me know what you think!

11.                    anotherthing that I did with my closet was I put my clothes and basically ‘wardrobecapsules.’ So what I mean by this is I put my spring and summer clothestogether because when I think of those seasons it's the sun's out I'm able towear tank tops t-shirts. Then I have my fall and winter close together whichare longer sleeves and I put those all together and of course I put them fromdarkest to lightest and the color code way that I told you earlier. And then Iactually have a white section so I tend to find whites as more of a every yearkind of thing and you can put it underneath anything on top of anything it'sreally an all-around color for me. I know some people say don't wear whiteafter so-and-so day but I like to wear I think it's fresh and brightens up mymood.

12.                    I made abin for just my belts but I think I'm going to get a clear bin for that becauseI just have a solid bin that I can't see through. I want to make sure I'm goingto be able to see it so I don't forget about it. I got rid of a lot of my beltsso I only have like three or four and I like it that way. My belts I believeare two brown one black that's a waist belt and then one thin white belt. Andthat Ben I do have a airplane neck rest but I just don't know what to do withthat yet. Maybe I'll put in my suitcase. And then I have two winter scarvesthat I folded up neatly on top of each other and I have a place for my hats butI'm thinking about putting my hats on a hook or some kind of knob so I can putthem up for display In my closet because I don't wear them often. And I thinkwith them being on my shelf it just is taking up unnecessary space. forsomething that would be more appropriate whatever it may be on there.

13.                    So I gotthrough my jeans I folded those I went around the top of my shelves and then Ieven got to my thin work jackets and my thin zip-ups and then I have a lot ofjust workout tops. I was always putting them in piles and piles sloppilyfolding them in half and to the side. And I don't know if you fold them thatway now but it's like it doesn't really spark joy for me. I looked up everyclothing that I folded. I typed in Marie Kondo folding so-and-so whatever I wasfolding at the time sweaters jeans shorts you know my my t-shirts and tanktops, I looked up everything. I looked up everything because just the way I'vebeen doing things is just not what I want to see when I look at my closet. Soanyways I opened up my closet and I'm like wow I just love looking in there.Like I kind of want to keep my closet door open so that I can just see thebeautiful organized closet. A little thing is bothering me about those hangers,but I'm going to get there.

That's about where I'm at right now I have toget into my drawers at some point. But the way I work is I go big at one pointand then I take a little break and then I go big again. I Just like a littlebit at a time. I'm just cleansing my life. Just saying that reminds me of thethings of how people are at the gym like the way people tend to be. The firstthree or so months of person joins a gym That's when they're going to use theirmembership the most and then they tend to fall off and they are constantlypaying for a gym membership that they don't use. With intention of one daythey're going to work out- When they have time.-


So with working out people have those bigspurts of working out losing weight and not getting to their specific goal butmaybe lose like 5 or 10 pounds and then they stop what they're doing. They goback to their old habits, they stop going to the gym. Then say like four orfive months later they get that big pump of motivation again and then theystart working out again. That is exactly how I notice I have been with myorganization in the past. And just over time like I do a little bit here andthen I stop and then I do a little bit there and then I stop. There was nosystem. Like this week I even tackled my paperwork I thrown away papers fromlike 10-15 years old that I've just been holding on to for whatever reason. Butyeah as of I'm doing just a little bit of day.

And I did not want to forget the mostimportant part of this lesson. In my reading within personal training I havefound that people that go to the gym regularly tend to lose more weight Andkeep it off, than a person who just goes hard and then goes home and then goeshard, and then goes home like say for like skipping months at a time.

One of the great things that I'm reading aboutis just like with working out and really anything that you want to achievefirst you have to have motivation, Then you have to have the ability to dowhatever it is you want to do, And next you want the persistence. as you constantlyfocus on whatever goal it is whether it be a healthier life, a relationship, Trainingyour dog, raising a child, becoming more successful. Like all of these thingsthey have steps and those steps need to be taken with persistence. You have tobe motivated to be able to achieve all that you desire.

And with that food for thought I am going torest my head and close my eyes and drift myself in a peaceful sleep. It’sgetting a little late and around my bedtime. as I said earlier good morninggood, afternoon, or good night with whatever time you may be reading this.  Xoxo Amber


P.S. So I was scrolling through with what Iwrote today and it reminded me of one of my bosses. He once told me that Ishould speak less. This would be a chance for other people to want more or wantto learn more from me. I'm enjoying that I'm able to share a few things in mylife that I went through, or I'm going through, or what I've learned. With you.I really enjoy learning new skills, hearing stories Oh my gosh I love stories!!!,I just really enjoy also sharing with what I learned with others and maybe Icould teach them a few things that sparks different interests or help themthink differently or all kinds of different things in life. I believe thateveryone has a purpose and everyone is smart in their own way. And by that Imean a person can love nature and know everything about a tree or all thedifferent kinds of trees that are out there but they're not really good atreading and writing. This doesn't mean that they're stupid. In fact I hate thatword stupid. some think of street smarts or book smarts. some even say youcan't have both. getting back to everyone has a purpose is just like peoplearen't going to like the same things. everyone has something that gets them interestedand things that they want to pursue for whatever it is. My interest tend to beworking out, decorating, spending time with family, spending time outdoors,beautiful pretty organized things, business. That's just like the basic of whatI enjoy. So with knowing that I'm going to go deeper into learning more aboutthe specific things I'm interested in. I'm not great at math I'll just say thatout loud. I'm not great with thinking about numbers on the top of my head. Ienjoyed geometry Back in the day. And by math I do not like it's like algebraand beyond. I really love adding and subtracting and counting money and puttinga budget I really enjoy that kind of stuff. But when it comes to like math justright off the top of my head nope I'm not good at that. So remember when youthink someone is stupid they just don't have the same interests or have notgone through the same learning process that you have with whatever you may besuper smart with. That was a long P.S. LOL! I just have very strong emotionsfor that. But bring it back to the top of why I brought this up is I justreally enjoy being able to share my knowledge and be able to talk aboutwhatever it is and I hope that with that you are able to enjoy reading what Ihave to say and find something that maybe you didn't know and it helps inwhatever way in your life. Take care! Xoxo Amber

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You cannot always control what goes on outside. But you can always control what goes on inside.

— Unknown author

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