June 29 2020

March 9, 2022
Written by Marta Holms

postpartum journaling

Well it may be a miracle! I was able to wake up at 6 am, take care of the baby, workout, get ready for the day, make breakfast, clean a little bit around the house. So much can be done with a planned schedule and waking up a little bit earlier. So far so good. Last night getting Posey to sleep was not as easy as I would have liked, but hopefully tonight it will be easier. Today’s workout was an upper body workout. Tomorrow is a full body 30 min. workout targeting more of the lower body with my online group training class.

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March 9, 2022

postpartum journaling

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March 9, 2022

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You cannot always control what goes on outside. But you can always control what goes on inside.

— Unknown author

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