July 8 2020

March 9, 2022
Written by Marta Holms

Postpartum journaling

       I feel like every one of my clients right now wondering what the secret is to losing weight? I have been bubbling around the same 140s for a couple of months thinking why is the scale going up? Like everyone else I start to research and try new things in my meals. I guess like everyone else I reach a panic mode and that is one thing that makes us gain weight right!?! STRESS! A new born baby, hormones are all off balance, and sleep what is sleep again? This is how I have been since April. I have to say the rocky waves are starting to settle. I have Posey on a sleep schedule of starting her bedtime routine from 7:30-8:30ish. I am getting my sleep back by getting Posey on a routine. I was surprised by how effective it was and how she quickly adapted. She sleeps in her crib! For every mom out there, this worked like a miracle! So I am lowering my stress, getting my sleep back on track, and getting a workout routine. These are 3 key components to a healthier lifestyle. The other 2 key components I will discuss another day. I must get some sleep now for my 30 min. workout routine in the morning. Night Night<3 XOXO Amber

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You cannot always control what goes on outside. But you can always control what goes on inside.

— Unknown author

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