July 30 2020

March 9, 2022
Written by Marta Holms

Postpartum journaling

Having a great workout in the morning helps look at life through a clearer lens. I feel so great when I get my workout done in the morning versus the afternoon. It gives me the motivation to have a productive day. If you have not done your workouts in a while get back to it, you can do it! If you are waiting for that specific day, why not let it be today. Tomorrow will always be tomorrow but if you start today you can start your healthy lifestyle now. There would be no waiting because tomorrow may take longer to come. Those who have this mentality know exactly what I am talking about. It all starts with your mind. You got this. If you need a place to start reach out to me and we can get healthier together. If you have gotten this far you can see that this has been a struggle for me, but everyday helps. Do not give up on yourself. It will not happen overnight but one day at a time we can do this together. XOXO Amber

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You cannot always control what goes on outside. But you can always control what goes on inside.

— Unknown author

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