July 27 2020

March 9, 2022
Written by Marta Holms

Postpartum journaling

       Let us talk about pregnancy hormones and how they are no joke! I cannot believe how off balance my body has been since having our baby! My workouts have been off, my sleep has been off, and if you are a woman reading this how about those missed periods. After pregnancy life is a hormonal roller coaster ride. I have been needing to take too much time away from my lifting. This week I have been feeling chippers o I have gotten into our gym to do a full body workout. They workout has been leg press max repetitions with 40 – 50 pounds. Multiple reps. Then 10 pounds for the row, lat pulldown, and for the sitting bench press. I do minimum of 2 sets of each. Then I do the treadmill for at least .25 distance. This is somethings small but at this point in my life doing a little at a time is what I need. For those that can do more don’t take for granted your health, because there are times other people like me at this point in time would love to be able to do what I used to. I’ve dealt with a back injury in the past so I am connecting this with that experience. I’ve been in this position of starting at ground zero. I am not as strong as I used to be, but I am picking myself back up after every hit that I get. I take it and I learn from the times and realize my body is just not ready for what I want to do yet. So it is the waiting game and rebuilding myself physically and mentally until I can overcome these hormones. I was breast feeding and because of my health the doctors recommend going to formula and no longer breastfeeding. I am hoping this will help regulate my body to make me feel like me again. We will see what happens. I just started not pumping 3 days now and so far, so good. Like I said I have been feeling chipper this week and maybe not pumping is a part of the burst of energy I get during the morning. Until next time. XOXO Amber

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You cannot always control what goes on outside. But you can always control what goes on inside.

— Unknown author

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