August 7th 2020

March 9, 2022
Written by Marta Holms

Postpartum journaling

Hello, Hello, Hello! Today is another beautiful day! I just want to bring up today what are you thankful for? There are so many things to be grateful for. A beautiful summer day, maybe it is that fall is just around the corner, pumpkin spice lattes are about to pop up at Starbucks, family, friends, health, freedom. Like I said the list goes on. I bring this topic up because during dark times sometimes we do not see the glass as half full. I am just coming out of a tough spot with just having our beautiful baby girl. I did not know why my life was turned upside down. Pregnancy hormones really plays a big role in all of this. I don’t know if I mentioned this earlier, but I was just feeling that I was hitting a brick wall. Some things that I started to do daily to get my mind and body in the right place: I started daily meditation for 10min., I started doing daily workouts for 30 min., I started making my bed everyday, and counting my calories everyday with my husband. Little things like these make a big impact on how my day goes. I want to be a better mom and I want to be the best version of myself and in doing that I am taking time for myself to take care of me. So, I am thankful and grateful that I am starting to get back to feeling like myself. It is taking some time, but I guess my body just needed more time to take care of myself after having a baby. I wish it were shorter I wish I could just jump and get back to work 2 weeks after having a baby, but reality is that I can’t do it all. And I was just thinking about this last night. It is not my fault that I can no longer breast pump to feed my baby, it is not my fault that I had to stop working for a brief period of time,it is not my fault that I can not do the workouts that I used to. The thing is life sucks sometimes and it is nobody’s fault. Not everyday are we going to conquer the world and fix the problem. Sometimes there is no answer, sometimes there is no quick fix. In times like this simply we have to stand up kick the dust off and start. Start from where you left off before the set back. When you keep getting kicked down just keep on getting back up. No one can do this for you. There are ways as I said before to reach out to others to help you along the journey. In the end it is your life and you have control on how you handle situations that come your way. So I keep walking, maybe my hair isn’t perfect right now, maybe I didn’t shower today, what ever it may be the day isn’t over yet and there is always tomorrow as another chance to pick your self up and dust your self off. So be Thankful for what you do have and continue to press forward. XOXO Amber

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You cannot always control what goes on outside. But you can always control what goes on inside.

— Unknown author

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