August 20th 2020

March 9, 2022
Written by Marta Holms

postpartum journaling

This week has been a productive week. Everyday I do a workout from PIYO (Pilates/yoga) and this week I started walk/jogging every day. I am trying to lose my momma weight and it just does not seem like it wants to go anywhere. I have been noticing my clothes are fitting loser. So good things are happening. I finally measured my body so now I can keep track on another level. I don’t want to forget about my food logging. I moved from a pound a week to the app my fitness pal. The reason being is when I started to lose more than a pound a week my calories were increasing the next week. That wasn’t helping my progress so I switched. My calorie intake dropped to 1,200 after logging in to my fitness pal. So I am not loving that. I am giving it a good go and seeing where this takes me. The best I can do is try and if this doesn’t work after a month I may have to try something else. As of now I finally made it to 140.2 pounds. I am still looking forward to getting back in the 130’s and hopefully the 120’s. It took about a year for me to go from the high 130’s to the mid to low 120’s a few years back. I remembered how difficult it was. It wasn’t until I started logging my food that it made a difference. All good things. Posey is here with me sucking her fingers as I type. She is like my little cheerleader that looks like me. Her blue eyes are WOW out of this world. She is starting to fall asleep. Keep doing you. Track your progress, take the before picture, drink your water, log your food, workout, mark your success on your calendar. It will get better! Until next time! XOXO Amber

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You cannot always control what goes on outside. But you can always control what goes on inside.

— Unknown author

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