August 30th, 2021 I am Back!

March 9, 2022
Written by Marta Holms

Hello, I am back from the black hole. Stay tuned as I overflow my journey.



         Long time no see” So you have been reading about my weight loss journey after having a baby. I took a break for several reasons.


Sleep deprived



You Tube Thumb nails!!!!


Covid home re organization

Training/ Not training

Let’s face it, I am not in my teens or early 20’s anymore. Responsibilities, work AND raising a family are my life. ‘My’ time. What is ‘My’ time anymore? To have an hour to myself honestly, I feel SOOO guilty most of the time and sometimes I am relieved. When Pierre takes over watching Posey and our fur babies it is like a dream!

         If you have been keeping up, I was in a rut and I began Beach Body! Let me say great company, wonderful people, but I quit showing up and cancelled my membership. I am a creative person. I do things on my own and learn things (the hard way) from my mistakes. I am finally sick of doing things the hard way, but I need a slow, easy as cutting butter way. The 2-week 4-month classes of BeachBody made me discouraged when I missed a day or 2 of the programs. I eventually lost interest.

         I began a you tube channel that re-lit my spark. Amber Paniagua on YouTube. Check it out! I was dedicated. Going strong for about 4 months. Editing my own videos. Then the idea that I needed a thumbnail came into play. What is the web site??? Oh Yeah! Photo shop! That was literally a nightmare for me!!!! So, I stopped everything because it was hard to make a stinking thumbnail!!!! Taking 1 good picture includes 10 or more bad pictures. Come on ladies, 1 shot does not cut it. So, taking the picture, loading, learning how to edit and use photoshop all led me to take along break. I hated it. It took me a week to do (1) JUST ONE THUMBNAIL! So, no. When things get hard, daunting, or I feel no reap in the reward from my work and time. Face it I quit.

         Oh, lets go back to being a new mom! Posey started having smaller nap times. My 2xa day nap time went to 1x a day. My me time got smaller and smaller. With lack of sleep to keep up with her, it was driving me nuts. Then I wanted to start running again and do a ½ marathon! I have always loved running and was SOOO excited about it! Welp, I live near Chicago. The race I wanted to attend was still an hour and a half away. My husband’s wise words ‘Stay away for Chicago! You are not racing there. I will make a race for you at home!’ I was like alright, no difference. (Ever since Pierre has been around, I have stayed out of a lot of sticky unfortunate situations. Being cheesy, but he is my earth angel.) Weeks go by and I was training. My tail bone eventually started to hurt. It was excruciating pain! The doctor said I needed physical therapy. If you are a mom and have been in this situation…. Yah. If you have no clue what I am implying here you don't want to know.

Any who! I stopped training for the 1/2 marathon. Time went by. I was going through the motions. Training online groups and 1:1. I watched what I ate, and I still do time to time. I track it with an app. A pound a week. I lost a whopper of 39 pounds! I wish I could say 40 but I like to be accurate. I am bubbling around 129-131. Is it magic to lose so much weight? Lol! Weight loss is what you make it. It can take a long time or a short period of time. It is time, consistency, and patience with yourself. Kudos to those that have lost over 40 pounds! Like we deserve medals! And maybe more positive re enforcement when we live a healthier lifestyle. Shout out to insurance and the health system. I will repeat it for the people in the back. We want you to give us awesome stuff for staying healthy. LOL! I am preaching to the crickets. We have to keep it interesting around here. I wanted to go back and say; I am happy with my journey so far. I have more to discuss. The time has been flying. Posey is up. Let’s chat soon! 😊 XoXo Amber

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You cannot always control what goes on outside. But you can always control what goes on inside.

— Unknown author

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